Gaming is the new age source

of Connection, Engagement

and Entertainment

Explore the S.M.A.R.T ways to connect to your audience via native ad placements blended intelligently into gameplay.

Experience a cohesive advertising campaign across multiple in-game & in-stream ad formats (display/video/audio).

Here’s How it Works


Benefits for App Developers

Why Choose Upzyde?

Cross-device Connectivity
From novice mobile gamers to staunch VR lovers, Upzyde connects you to a vast array of audiences across multiple geo-locations
Premium Inventory
Go global with Upzyde. Access to the best audiences from Tier 1 and 2 publishers, covering multi-facet gaming genres
Highly Transparent
Unified metrics. Get detailed campaign analytics involving granular reporting and tracking
Easy Integration
Innovative targeting for programmatic campaigns by connecting leading SSPs, DSPs, Mediation and Trading Platforms

Ad Formats

Our non-intrusive ad formats integrate IAB-supported ad placements for display, audio & video, custom ads, and numerous streaming prospects.

Trusted Partners

Ad Format